Hi my name is chip and this site was used to put my thoughts down when i felt like I couldn't say them anywhere else. I think I'm done using it though so now its just a thing i can look back on to see how my life was.
This site was made on mobile so for the best experience thats what you should probably use. I dont have a computer or laptop to check to see what it looks like on desktop but sorry if it looks odd.
A little about me is I'm currently dating my girlfriend (4/18/23!!!!) and that my girlfriend is the one that gave me an idea to make a site for all my thoughts I dont know what to do with. I've never coded anything before and have no idea how sites work so it's also been a fun learning experience trying to figure out the basics.
i really need more friends so if you wanna talk my discord username is chipzzzzzzzzz_80388.